Wishing For An Angel
Shalz R

Genre: Romance
Rating: NC 17
Disclaimer : Standard disclaimers apply. The characters belong to Shalz R.

Chapter 1: The Bitter End : Part 2

Mrs. Maxwell and Tyler sat in the family room with Carlton. Their objective was to try and figure out a way to get their old Ian back. Tyler had said that maybe he could go camping or something. He likes that and maybe that would change his mood. But Mrs. Maxwell differed.

“This wasn’t just a break-up. It was betrayal. The first woman in Ian’s life betrayed him, merely used him for his money!”

“Then what do you say we do? We can’t just let him be hoping it would pass with time. Ian may never get together with a woman again!” said Tyler getting impatient.

“We need to do just that!” she cried excitedly. “A woman in Ian’s life. The kind of woman he deserves!”

“And where does she come from?” he said, knowing how difficult it was to find Ian a woman!

“Any ideas? You must know some girls!”

“We spent the childhood trying to set him up with a girl ... that we couldn’t do, how do we get a WOMAN! And especially after what has happened!”

Carlton spoke up, “If I may suggest, Ma’am, he should first find out what he wants”

“I know what you mean, Carlton. Ian has probably never visualized the kind of person he wants to share his life with. He simply proposed the first woman who impressed him with merely her efficiency.”

“If you ask me, Mrs. Maxwell, she is a damn good actress herself! But why did she have to pick on Ian. “ He spitted out the word actress as if it were stinging his tongue!

“Well what has happened is over, it needs to be buried and forgotten. Ian’s life needs to be changed. All that Samantha did in the past years, to him and his life, needs to be undone! Whether we find him a woman or not is right now not important, what is more important is that we help Ian find his lost self. I think I’ll take him home for some days!”

“I agree. And you are the only one who can make him agree!”

“I’ll talk to him. Try and reason with him.”

“If he doesn’t listen?”

“If he doesn’t listen, then I’ll just have to order him!” she smiled at being the superior authority. “The incident has broken him. The most unexpected thing happened. I suspected that she was after his money long back but Ian was so happy that it seemed that if she could make him happy, even if for his money’s sake, it was of little value. Ian’s happiness was more important. But that she would go to such an extent as this was … I have no words. I am thankful to all three of you for supporting my son at such a time. Kevin has been so good to visit him”

“How is Dianne reacting to the situation? Why wouldn't Ian let us tell her all?”

“Oh, she refuses to understand that it is off. Ian probably thinks she is still the little girl he was so protective about and needs to be shielded from everything. That Samantha is still in touch with her. She actually called Dianne up at our house in New York to ask her to do a patch up between them. The cheek!”

“Well well well! She doesn’t give up easily does she!” he said bitterly.

“She can try all she wants to! But I’m not going have that woman spoil my son’s life and just sit and watch. No. I will bring Ian back to us.”

“We will. ” he said, stressing on the ‘We’, not willing to be left out in showing Samantha that Ian is still as good as he was even after what she’s done to him.

Mrs. Maxwell could feel the anger burning inside Tyler. She had known him ever since he was at school with Ian and he was as good as Ian to her. She knew what he felt. He probably wanted to bash her up. If it was guy he might have too!

“I do wish Ian was not such a dumb thing when it came to women! To keep a guy like Ian happy, you are going to need an angel, Mrs. Maxwell.”

She smiled, “An angel is what my son deserves!”

Just then Ian and Adrian were heard coming back.

“Now Mrs. Maxwell, lets get ready for our attack. You talk to him while I brush Adrian up on the details. He’s got a sound mind and can help in convincing Ian.”

Ian entered the room followed by Adrian.

“Mom, I finished what I had to do early and…”

Tyler ran up to Adrian, totally ignoring Ian, and whisked him away. Ian sensed something wrong and walked up to his Mom.

“… What’s up?”

“Oh nothing, son. Probably just one their jokes! You come and sit with me.”

Ian said nothing. He knew Tyler and Adrian didn’t have too many secret jokes! This was something else!

He sat, “Yes, Mom”

“Ian I was thinking, you come and stay with us in N. Y for a few days. It will be a good change for you, and...”

“Mom, I’ve got work and I really can’t leave a project unfinished.”

“A few days leave will not matter, Ian. And you haven’t visited for so long.”

“Mom, I have already given them the dates.”

“Ian, c’mon. I really want you to come with me.”

“Mom how long can you take me away from this place? This is my house, I have to come back here some time or the other, live here.”

“I know, Ian, but you need a change.”

“No, Mom, I need to get used to this.”

“Ian stop behaving like this.” Mrs. Maxwell getting angry that Ian was not co-operating. “You have to stop thinking about it. Its over. It’s gone. She was not meant for you. Get over it. It was just something that had to happen someday, I’m glad that at least it happened now! Better sooner than later. You were not even married and this thing has changed you! Had you married her, I fear to think what you would have done to yourself!”

Tyler and Adrian rushed back into the room hearing Mrs. Maxwell shout.

“Mrs. Maxwell’s right, Ian. You’ve got to take a trip or something. Better go home for a few days. Don’t worry about the dates, I’m your manager, its my job, I’ll handle it. You won’t lose this project.”

“I agree.”, Adrian joined in, “A little trip to the house won’t do any harm. Tyler and I can manage everything here.”

“So this was it.” said Ian referring to the sudden disappearing of both of them.

“Stick to the point.” Mrs. Maxwell said firmly holding her ground.

Ian put his arm around her, “Mom, don’t worry, I’m all right. Really.”

“Ian, I can tell when my child is all right, and when he is lying to me.”

“Mom, you really don’t need to worry.”

“Ian you must stop giving importance to this matter.”

“Mom, you all are giving importance to it. I want to forget it all.” said Ian finally losing his temper.

“Ian I’m not going to let that woman spoil your life.”

“Well, what do you want me to do? Marry someone else?”

“Someday, yes. But right now I want you to stop this... this mourning you are not willing to put an end to.”

There was silence as Mrs. Maxwell and Ian looked at each other. Ian turned his face towards the window as he tried to control his temper. Finally Adrian spoke up.

“Ian, we all want you to be happy. Being away from this place will bring some peace to you. You need to change.”

“Change what?” Ian was getting impatient. “What do I change?”

“Everything!” Mrs. Maxwell said.

Ian began to get angry again and started to walk out of the room and into the main hall with everybody following him out, but Tyler broke in shooting off suggestions for change randomly, “Well, she means, the place, the clothes, the mood, the attitude, …”

“The HOUSE!” added Mrs. Maxwell looking around disgusted at the exhibition pictures and awards in the hall. When she had come last night she was too eager to see Ian that she took little notice of these things. But they were everywhere!

This worked magic on Ian. He turned around suddenly as if he had remembered something.

“Yes I want the house changed. I don’t like this.”

Mrs. Maxwell’s face lit up and Tyler, Adrian and Carlton exchanged a relieved look, especially Tyler who was running out of options for change.

“Tyler, call in some interiors people. I want this place changed.” Ian said, “I want you to select the best one and then they can start working on this house as soon as possible.”

“So, honey, you’ll be coming with me finally.” She asked happily.

“Mom, I’ve got work.”

“But, Ian if the interiors people will be working here, how will you stay?”

“Mom, they are only going to change the insides, they won’t bring the house down. I can live with it”

“But Ian…”

“And as far as going away from this place is concerned, I will be going in 10 days time anyway. The new project I’ve signed will be shot in Europe for the next two months. So I will be off. Will that be satisfactory to you?”

Mrs. Maxwell had wanted him to move out of this house for a while, but she had also wanted her to be able to take care of him. But if he was going away for work that would be all right too. His mind would be absorbed in a new place, new people, new work, and things by then would probably work themselves out. If possible she might even visit him on the site! She thought all this and excitedly replied,


“Fine. Tyler, call the interiors people.”

* * *

Chapter 2 : Revamp!

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