The Mummy Reincarnated
Susanne L. Lambdin

Chapter Five

Amanda awoke later to the strange sensation of riding belly down on the back of a camel. She slowly opened her eyes, feeling sand stuck to her eyelashes, and managed to open them enough to see that she was right about her current situation. She was covered with a light canvas and was able onto to see the feet of the camel shuffling along in the sand. She smelled water, which meant they were close to the Nile, and she suspected, with Karnak in their wake, they were headed beyond the west bank and a line of tombs, beyond to where the excavation site of the Temple of Osiris and camp waited. She tried to move but found her arms and legs were tied to the saddle. She was not alone on the camel. She grew aware of someone sitting in front of her, moving with the rise and fall of the camel's stride.

Lifting her head on a stiff neck, she fidgeted enough to make the canvas loose and as it blew upwards, she felt the sun hit her face and beheld the sparkling water of the Nile. The caravan followed the large winding river beside a line of palm trees that turned away from the water and led into a jungle. Along the ancient path were remnants of pillars and statues, partially covered by vegetation and sand, tantalizing and mysterious.

A number of riders in red robes and turbans rode in a line behind the leaders. William Landers, who shared her camel and boasted a resplendent white turban and robes, was several paces ahead of Gregory Maxwell. The assistant wore the garments of an ancient Egyptian high priest, embroidered with the markings of Anubis, the God of Death. Not a good sign, she thought, as Maxwell chanted in a high voice that made her shiver.

"Glad to see you are among the living," said Landers. He looked over his shoulder at her, a wicked smile on his face. The turban and robes suited him far more than city clothes. With an air of confidence, he lifted up a canteen and shook it, letting the fullness of the water make Amanda lick her parched lips.

"Thirsty? Of course you are. We have been riding for several hours." He unscrewed the cap and did little more than wet her face while she lapped up the water with her tongue. "If your cousin was waiting for you at Karnak, we saw nothing of him. Nor have we seen your young man and the Brotherhood of Osiris." He withdrew the canteen and pulled the canvas back over her head, tucking it in to keep it from blowing open again. "But don't worry, Amanda. I have a little surprise in store for your friends should they decide to show up here."

Beneath the canvas, she heard what sounded like the wailing of women at a funeral, common along the riverbank, however, what floated over the water and sand was far more forlorn and agonizing. She feared to think what it could be and suspected the amateur priest, Maxwell, had been stupid enough to read from the Book of the Dead and invoke the protection of Anubis. She started to ask Landers about the dark nature of the surprise, but the camel came to an abrupt halt, then began a bumpy descent that turned into a landslide. Another jarring stop and Amanda started to struggled against the robe and canvas, frantically trying to free herself. She let out a scream as she felt the weight of Landers being removed from the camel.

Within seconds, the ropes were cut and she was dragged off of the camel, only to be thrown into the sand. She felt herself being lifted up by the shoulders and feet, left wrapped in the stifling hot canvas, while she was carried a short distance and then placed on a cold, hard surface.

"This isn't the time, Maxwell," she heard Landers saying in an angry voice, close by. "We keep to the schedule. If she does not produce the Orb within a week, then we will perform the ritual your way, but not before. We must have the Orb. I told you that countless time."

"I heard you!" Maxwell sounded just as angry. "I have read the Book as many times as you've told me it can't be done, and I tell you that I have found a way. By sacrificing the woman, we will appease Anubis, for only he can restore the Ka back to its rightful body. The Orb of Osiris is not needed. We finally have the reincarnated slave. Calista. What more do you want?"

"Twenty-four hours. If Amanda cannot find the Orb by then, you may release the Ka of Calista." Landers paused, his voice returning angrier than ever. "Have you considered that the slave may know less than the professor? Amanda at least holds the knowledge of years of schooling in her brain. The other will know nothing more what her master told her, and even then, I doubt she'd remember where she was entombed with the Orb."

"But this is Calista!" Shouted Maxwell. "Let me perform the ritual tonight and will have the Orb. The eclipse is tomorrow evening. You know that. It is then or never, William. I never thought the Orb would work anyway. Anubis condemned this temple thousands of years and claimed the souls of those buried here. His servants still guard this place. You heard them. Thanks to me they have returned. I have seen to that, with the rituals I performed here with the Cult of Anubis during your absence, for as you can see, I prefer to do things my own way."

Landers swore softly. "You fool! I told you not to go that far. You were to look for the Orb and purify the altar. After reading from her aunt's notes, I am convinced that it is Osiris that we should call upon and not Anubis."

"It's too late for that," said Maxwell, with a hiss. "Anubis is the keeper of the soul of Servant of Osiris. Without his help and blessing, the spell will not work and you will not have your prize. What you do with the Orb after that is your concern. Anubis has already promised to bestow upon me great riches, and I intend to collect."

The canvas was pulled off of Amanda. She lay on an altar in the middle of the ruins of the Temple of Osiris, once a magnificent and massive walled structure laid out on one level, made from imperishable stone instead of sandstone, that now was half hidden by sand. A wild jungle surrounded the entire complex with it small service chambers and other storehouses, now empty, which covered an area about 300 yards. She suspected the natural camouflage kept the temple from discovery for thousands of years, despite its closeness to the Nile. She looked out at a roofless colonnaded court, trying to imagine its former beauty, but was unable to do to the unmistakable odor that came from recently painted dark markings and images covering the walls. The dark shade of which she was certain came from human blood and the stench from sacrifices burned in a large gold tray, stationed in the center of the courtyard.

"Damn that man," snarled Landers, glaring with pure hatred at Maxwell as the former stormed off, accompanied by the members of the Cult of Anubis. "My authority is not to be questioned. He is testing my patience sorely." He caught her eyes, changing the subject, as he gestured at the ruins around him. "Impressive, don't you think? And to think no one until now ever discovered this temple."

"I'd like to have a look. Do you mind letting me go?"

"Very well. I'm sure you are curious. I'll give you a tour." Landers removed the ropes from Amanda's arms and ankles. The moment she was free, she jumped down from the altar and glanced swiftly toward the trees. No words were needed to tell Landers what she was about to do and he quickly grabbed her by the arm to keep her from running away. She struggled with him, kneeing him in the groin, and managed to break free and run a short distance before he tackled her to the ground on the stone floor. "Stop fighting me," growled Landers.

"Get off of me!"

Landers complied and rolled off of Amanda. She scrambled to her feet and dusted off her clothes, while she gazed around at the temple, acutely aware that they were being watched by something supernatural in the dense foliage. She reached up and felt the ankh hanging about her neck.

"Calista," she whispered softly.

He was at her side at once. He placed his hand on her shoulder, only to have it rebuffed. "Steady. I don't want to hurt you. Do you remember this place, Amanda? You were here before."

"How can you be so sure?"

"The slave girl, you are she, the one given by Seti's daughter, Neferteri, to the high priest. The same slave you told me about in Cairo. The same Calista that Imhotep sacrificed in order to bless this shrine. Within its inner sanctum, her remains were found mummified, and on her body was an ankh like the one you are wearing now."

Amanda walked around Landers, glaring daggers at him. "I'm not cooperating with you. It's obvious you drugged me on the plane and set me up to think I saw Calista and Imhotep. Then you hit me of the head and pretended to find me unconscious."

"My, how you do have an over-active imagination. But you are right, of course. I have been drugging you. Despite want my learned colleague believes, I need the Orb to restore Imhotep to his full powers. He is useless to me as long as this body remains mortal. The Orb will give me immortality."

"I hate you!"

Landers grabbed a fist full of her hair and jerked her head back, walking her backwards until she slammed up against a stone pillar. "Osiris was murdered by his brother, Set, his bodies hacked into pieces that were scattered throughout the world. His wife, Isis, gathered the pieces and with the help of her son, Horus, restored life to her husband. Osiris returned from the dead, his powers restored to him, as might as he had been before."

"You best be silent, William," said Amanda, shocked he dared utter the name of a god in direct opposition to Anubis. "This is no longer a temple to Osiris. This is the house of Anubis."

"That idiot knew my precise orders. Osiris is more powerful than Anubis, yet he persists in the idea that since Anubis claimed Imhotep's soul, that he alone can release it." Landers threw his hands up in despair and paced the floor beneath a waning sun and shadows cast by the pillars of the temple. "I was to perform all rituals here, not Maxwell. I knew when he asked the help of the Cult of Anubis that he was way over his head. He should have waited for me."

Amanda put her hand on Lander's arm, not because she cared about him, but for the simply fact that she was overly hot and close to fainting. He steadied her with a hand to either of her elbows and helped her sit down on a stone block. She found it remarkable that anyone so twisted and selfish as Landers could also be so gentle and thoughtful. He handed her the canteen he was never without and let her drink her fill this time. She thanked him, finding it odd that she was so comfortable in his presence after everything he'd done, and returned the canteen to him. Landers drank after her, then spat out the water on the ground, his eyes flashing from side to side as something made the grass move close by. His hand dropped to his sidearm.

"Why are you dealing with a maniac like Maxwell?"

"I cannot perform the ritual myself," Landers answered, glancing over at her. "I needed someone skilled in the ancient ways to assist me restoring Imhotep's Ka. Maxwell was that man."

"And he's so damn skilled that he's opened the gate between this world and ancient evil darkness, releasing things that you can neither control or reason with. Maxwell is a priest of Anubis. If you didn't know you picked the wrong priest, you should have asked, instead, he's defiled a holy sanctuary to Osiris and summoned primeval demons he cannot possibly control."

"Will you help me then?" Asked Landers, quite serious.

"If you had the Orb, what would you do with it?"

"Summon the powers of Osiris and ask that the Ka of Imhotep be restored, to me, with all the strength of an immortal. Is this not what you want as well? You will be with Imhotep, at last. Just think of it Amanda."

"Restore him only to have back as evil. No. That's not what I want. I never wanted that. To return and make amends? To ask for redemption so his soul might be restored? That I might consider. That is what Imhotep deserves. He has suffered enough. And frankly, so have I."

Amanda buried her face in her hands. It was hopeless. Neither Maxwell or Landers knew what they were doing. Two opposite sides joined for the moment as allies, but for how long, she wondered. She finally looked up to find Landers staring off into the distance, nearby, allowing her time to look around at her surroundings and try to come up with a plan. Her eyes scanned several hallways leading in different directions. She rose to her feet and cautiously moved away from Landers, drawn by the original images on the pillars while sliding her hands along the wall. She soon lost sight of Landers and turned a corner.

A hand covered her mouth before she could scream and with a yank, Amanda was pulled behind a partial wall. Her eyes widened in surprise confronted by the familiar face of Alex O'Donnell. In disbelief, she threw her arms around his slender body, holding her taller cousin as tight as possible. With a lop-sided grin on his boyish face, he set her back and kissed her on the forehead.

"You missed the birthday party," said Alex. His natural tendency to find humor in everything, gave him a calmness that remained steadfast despite the cacophony of howls and shrieks that suddenly came from the brush growing around the temple.

"So did you."

"That's true. Anyway, Jonathan sends his love."

Seeing Alex did her heart good. He was as brave and fearless as his father, a blonde duplicate of Rick O'Connell, and was fortunately not only armed to the teeth, he was trained to be a one man army. Achmed appeared out of the brush, shaken and wild eyed, with a scimitar in his hand. He rushed up to Alex and Amanda, wanting to grin at seeing them together, but unable to do so for the sounds that drifted on the wind were entirely inhospitable.

"Give it to her and let's be gone, Alex O'Connell." Achmed said a quick prayer to his god, and with an apologetic look on his face, he gestured toward the brush with his scimitar. "It took great lengths to reach you both unharmed. Alex, we can't wait much longer. Tell her where the Orb is and let's be gone."

"Is that why you came? To give me the Orb?"

Alex took hold of Amanda by her shoulders. "Of course that's why I'm here. When you told me Landers was bringing you here and that he resembled Imhotep, I put two and two together and came up with the Orb of Osiris. But this...this isn't the real...."

"Absolutely it's real," Achmed interjected swiftly. He shook his head at Alex before he dragged a backpack off of his friend's back. Achmed was far too anxious to leave. Amanda's suspicious gaze fell upon her tall, handsome cousin.

"What is going on, Alex?"

"Our mutual friend ransacked your room and found a napkin in your skirt pocket which contained a very interesting drawing. I thought it might be helpful if I helped you find the Orb, seeing how interested you are in Imhotep and how much you've always wanted to help restore righteousness and goodness to his damned soul. You know, it might be safer if you made plans on a smaller scale, Amanda. This idea of yours isn't anything the family approves of, but I knew you needed me, so I brought you this."

From out of the bag, Alex pulled a phoney Orb of Osiris. It looked exactly like the drawing made by Landers. Amanda gasped in amazement and reached out of the phoney artifact. Alex shook his head and held it away from her. She looked disappointed.

"Now, I am going to hide this for you, since you can't just walk up to Landers and hand it to him. You're known for your visions, try having one tonight."

"And where are you going to hide it?" Asked Amanda, starting to feel apprehensive to see Achmed pacing and to hear the sounds in the foliage growing louder and hungrier. "What do you expect me to do? Just wait around here to be rescued? That crazy Gregory Maxwell thinks he is a priest of Anubis and he intends to sacrifice me during the eclipse."

"What about Landers?" Alex asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Achmed tells me you two have very close relationship. Surely he doesn't want to harm you?"

"We're not that close. There is no doubt in my mind that he'll hand me over to Maxwell, with or without the Orb."

Alex put his arm around his cousin. "Look, sweetie, you find the Orb in the morning and let them have their little ceremony. Achmed and I will be watching. Don't worry. We'll save you before they stab you through the heart. I have before."

"This isn't New Mexico and we aren't dealing with shadow spirits either."

"Good point." Alex glanced at Achmed. "Suggestions? Where is a good hiding place?"

"Anywhere will do," said Achmed urgently. "We must leave, Alex. All of us should leave. This is suicide."

Determined to do things his way, Alex pulled his hat on, which hung about his neck on a cord, and tugged it low over his sparkling blue eyes. His dimples deepened as a smile spread across his face. He pointed in the direction of a passage that led down into the ground and wiggled his eyebrows at his friends.

"Not beneath the earth," said Achmed. "Not in there."

"Why not? It's the inner sanctuary. It makes perfect since that the Orb would be found in there."

"Then why wasn't it before?" Amanda wanted to know.

"Because, sweetheart, this isn't the right temple. If there is an Orb, you'll find it about three hundred yards from here. Where exactly, we don't know, but there is another temple, according to myth where the real Altar of Truth is hidden."

"And within the alter is the true Orb," whispered Amanda.

"You're pretty sharp." Alex kissed her cheek. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Haven't I always come to the rescue? Name one time when I wasn't there when you needed me most?" He held up his hand. "No, don't answer that. Just trust me, Amanda. I know what I'm doing."

"That's what scares me," she said.

Laughing, Alex headed toward the passage, closely followed by Amanda and a more apprehensive Achmed, studying the ancient portraits and writing on the wall that told of the story of how Pharaoh Seti I requested his high priest Imhotep to build a beautiful temple in honor of Osiris, and how with the aid of the Orb of Osiris and the gods blessing, he sacrificed a slave girl given to him as a gift by Princess Neferteri, in order to bless the temple and ensure its purity from any unbelievers. The painting grew faint and chipped, ending the story unfinished, as it had been with the construction of the temple itself, however, glimpses of the Altar of Truth and the Orb of Osiris appeared in sporadic scenes that vanished as they descended into utter darkness.

Alex produced a flair and tossed it inside, lighting up the subterranean inner sanctum of the temple, with its high vaulted ceiling painting in red, and brightly colored scenes of the gods of ancient Egypt. Along the walls of the room were artifacts deemed not worthy to remove by Landers excavation team, from wooden sarcophagus, tables and a statue of Osiris fallen into decay. Everyone searched through the room and artifacts, trying to find the perfect spot to hide the Orb, when Achmed pointed out a hole in the wall and knelt beside it, glancing within the gloom.

"What about in this hole?" Asked Achmed.

"Perfect," said Alex. "It's possible it was overlooked in their haste. We can cover it with something. Landers will be so excited, he won't think twice about have overlooked the Orb. Find me something to wrap it in. Anything will do."

Amanda handed him a tattered cloth found in a wooden trunk that was in a state of ruin. She wrapped the Orb in a cloth and handed it to Achmed, who stuffed it inside as far back as possible, then he pulled a clay pot in partially in front of the hole, blocking what lay within from view. The moment Achmed turned around, he grimaced as a loud shriek from within the hole brought him jumping to his feet and running over to where Alex and Amanda stood together. The trio formed a huddle, each facing outward, arming themselves and preparing for an attack.

"I think we should get out of here," said Amanda, not approving of her first choice, a spear, which she held out toward the hole with shaky hands.

"I agree," replied Alex and Achmed at the same time.

As they turned to leave, a number of guards in red cloaks appeared at the entrance, swords drawn, blocking their escape. Alex drew two pistols and wasted no time firing into the midst of the cult members, dropping two, before the other six charged.

His scimitar raised high, Achmed attacked, twirling around, as swift as a cobra, striking at his opponents and dropping several before he was joined by Alex, wielding an axe he'd appropriated from off the floor. The two men fought back to back, clearing a path for Amanda who could not remove her eyes from the covered hole in the wall as she followed along behind, stumbling over the slain guards, her movements so slow that Alex, finishing off his last opponent, returned for her. He grabbed her by the arm and paused as the sounds of rustling behind them grew louder and more frantic.

"I suggest we run!" Alex pushed Amanda out of the chamber ahead of himself and Achmed. "Run!"

The young Egyptian followed Amanda out, looking ahead for danger and took up a defensive position at the mouth of the tunnel. Alex spun back around, tossed the axe aside and withdrew two more guns, blasting at shadows moving behind them, coming up fast, then he turned and ran after his friends. He came out of the tunnel, motioning for Amanda to head out in another direction, and pulling Achmed by the arm, the two started off down the opposite path.

Amanda heard something wild and terrifying coming out of the tunnel, that took off in the direction taken by Alex and Achmed, but feeling none too reassured, she went streaking down the corridor which led back to the altar. She noticed a shadow off to the side, that was moving toward her fast, and suddenly screamed before she'd realized she'd done it. Her hands moved over her body, searching for a weapon of any kind that the guards hadn't appropriated earlier, and finding none, she turned to run and slammed up against Landers. Relieved to see a familiar face, she let out a soft cry of relief and threw her arms around him neck, hugging him close.

"Where have you been?" asked Landers, glancing back in the direction she's obviously come. He pulled her arms down, caught her by the forearm and dragged her toward the camp. She went with him gratefully, aware that whatever had been chasing her, remained in the temple, watching.

"I wandered off. I'm sorry."

"Don't do that again. It's not safe." Landers smiled down at her, a wicked little smile. "You might be torn to pieces and scattered across the sand. Not a very nice picture."

"Something is in the temple," she added.

"Precisely why you don't need to be wandering around in there alone. I'm taking you to your tent. And I expect you to stay in there until I come for you."

Together, they walked down a path through the vegetation and emerged at a clearing where a number of tents were set up and a camp fire was blazing, attended by several cooks. Guards patrolled the area, carrying rifles, lifted dark faces beneath their turbans to watch the blonde woman in the company of the foreigner walk by to the largest of the tents. Landers pushed Amanda inside and came in behind her. She backed up and collided with a cot, her feet going out from under her and ended up seated. She watched Landers fetch a rope and lifted her wrists with a sigh when he came over to tie her up.

"I don't want to do this," said William.

"Then don't."

"Will you promise not to run away?"

"Yes." Her blue eyes flashed. He tensed.

"Amanda, don't test me. I don't believe you."

"But you trust me, right? To find the Orb?"

Landers paused, considering his options, when she stood up and slid her hands up her chest, along his shoulders and clasped them behind his neck. She smiled knowingly, a woman's smile filled with silent innuendoes and promises made to be broken, and as Landers' gaze turned smoky, she stood up on her tiptoes in her tall boots, brushed her nose against his own, then kissed him. His mouth opened and his tongue merged with her own, the intensity of the kiss increasing with each passing second, until at last, he had to hold her off at arms length to catch his breath. He studied her thoughtfully, doubts lining his forehead with lines, and with a sad little shake of his head, pushed her back down on the cot and again lifted up the rope.

"If you find me the Orb, then I'll trust you."

"I'll get right on it," said Amanda. "I can do a lot tied to a cot."

Landers suddenly laughed but there was no humor in the sound of it. "You're a mental traveler. Concentrate and produce a miracle. And hurry, Amanda. You don't have much time."

With that, he gave her a mock salute and left the tent. She laid back, turning to her side to accommodate the robes tied to her wrists. The tent flap opened and she looked up, expecting to see William Landers, but instead saw a sandy blonde head appear as a dusty hat was removed and her cousin entered the tent. Alex acted as nonchalant as a cavalier and took a seat beside her, pausing to light up two cigarettes, one for her and one that he placed between her lips. She coughed and spat it out onto the floor.

"I don't smoke."

"I forgot about that," said Alex. "The guards here aren't professionals soldiers. I slipped through their security without anyone noticing me." He looked around the tent, approving of the provisions and the comforts of quality furniture. "Nice bed. I slept on the ground, next to a camel, rolled in a stinking blanket."

"Get me out of here!"

"Hush," said Alex, blowing smoke down at her face. "We might be heard." He patted her on the hip. "I merely came by to assure you that I have a plan. Of course, you'll need to stall for most of the day, because it's not until night time that Gregory Maxwell, amateur high priest of Anubis, will attempt to raise the spirit of Imhotep to restore him to the physical word. I know Maxwell. I never liked him. I went to Cambridge and he went to Oxford. We are old rivals from way back."

"And Landers? Know him well?"

"We met once at a convention in Athens. I thought he looked rather familiar, but I never once considered you falling madly in love with him. A bit of back luck there, cousin."

Amanda brought her knees up and hit Alex in the back. He winced, putting his hand to his back and slipped off the cot, to squat down. He held his hat between his hands and with a shake of his head, he ruffled her hair and stood.

"You're going? Just like that?"

"Tomorrow night is the Night of Souls. Since you are not interested in astronomy, you wouldn't know that there is an...."

"Tomorrow if the Night of Souls. At that time, the high priest of Anubis will sacrifice the reincarnated slave girl, Calista, born of foreign soil, in order to restore Imhotep's Ka. I know all that, Alex. And for the record, I don't love William Landers."

"Excuse me. I meant Imhotep. Women," sighed Alex. "Your pretty heads are all befuddled with images of romance created out of tragedy. Romeo and Juliet was not a love story. Neither was the story of Imhotep and Anck-Su-Namum, his true love."

"Rubbish. Go away, will you? If you aren't going to release me, then I'm not spending all night listening to you. I never really liked you much anyway. You are too big for your own britches. No mountain is too big for you. No river too wide to cross. You're a very annoying person, Alex O'Connell."

"Frankly, I should leave and let those vermin have their way with you." Alex helped himself to a case of bullets and a new gun. "All these weapons and you are tied and left to rot on a cot. It doesn't make any sense. But it's for your own good. You'll still be here in the morning, you lead them to the Orb, kill some time, and at the appropriate time tomorrow night, I'll show up with the cavalry. Okay, love?"

"Rot, Alex O'Donnell."

"Then I'll take that to mean we've agreed upon my plan. I do know what I'm doing, Amanda. Trust me." Alex leaned down and kissed Amanda on the cheek. "You smell a bit like a camel."

"I'm a prisoner, Alex. What do you expect me smell like?"

"Good point. Tomorrow night then. I'll be watching."

Amanda suddenly thought of the creatures in the jungle and called him back. "Alex, be careful. There are things out there lurking about. Maxwell read from the Book of the Dead. I have no idea what it is, but bullets may not work."

"You worry too much," said Alex. "Just like my mother." He blew her a kiss and slipped out of the tent. She heard no alarms raised and gradually, she heard only the mumbled voices of the guards walking past on their shift and nearby, the strange, strangled cries of the supernatural unleashed upon them
