
Disclaimer - Own Everyone but the characters from the movie.
Rating: NC 17
Summary - Chance Boudreaux was not the first target to get away nor did Fouchon and Pik only hunt military veterans' originally. This story takes place two years before the events of the film, and tells the story of the first target to get away and turn the tables on them.

Chapter 2

New Hampshire
Guest Room

'What the fuck?'

Dominique woke up to total darkness her head fuzzy and throbbing. She moved to push herself into a sitting position only to find her wrists were handcuffed together.

'Okay, this is not good.'

She raised her legs and swung them up then down, using momentum to force her torso up so she was in a sitting position. Her head spun and waves of nausea coursed through her body. ‘Fuck, what did they hit me with?’ She leaned back against the bed’s headboard waiting for her head to clear and trying to remember just who she was.

'Maia, what the hell did you get into?'

She thought back to her last memory before waking up, she had been entering her apartment after helping out at an art gallery opening for a friend. She brought her bonded hands to her temples to rub them.

'Some punks got the best of you. Some professional you are, Maia. You lost your edge as Dominique.'

She looked around the room, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. It wasn’t a cell she was in but a normal bedroom, which meant there had to be a way out.

'You have been locked up in your grief too long, Maia. Dominique died when Michel and Serena did. Time to remember who you are, to toss aside the grief and get your ass out of here.'

She slipped out of the bed, stumbling to her feet. Maia used the bed post to steady herself until the room stopped spinning. She looked down noticing the form fitted black tank and a lacy black thong she was wearing. 'None of this is mine. Where the fuck are my clothes? Well, not any more revealing than some women's bikinis. I'll live.'

A quick tour of the room revealed, whomever removed her clothes took them when they left the room. She walked over to where the French doors were and peered around the curtain, standing there were two men each carrying rifles with night and infrared scopes on them.

'Okay, the back way is out. Air ducts are probably too small for me to crawl through. If the outside is that guarded then the halls are probably watched. Well, fuck me a hard one.'

Maia returned back to the bed and laid down staring at the canopy wondering who would go to all the trouble. She had been living as Dominique Thoreau for the past three years since meeting Michel while working on her latest contract. She had cast her old life aside for a new one.

'Time to play the waiting game, only way to get some answers it seems.'

Dominique fell into a light dose, while her mind worked over time on the problem at hand. A problem that only her real persona could handle- Maia Giovanni trained assassin; Dominique was tossed aside as Maia once again came to be.
