Forbidden Nights

Disclaimer - All of the characters in this story except for the ones I have invented are the soul property of Steven Sommers and Universal Studios. I do not gain any profit from this story, it is just for pure enjoyment. So just relax and enjoy the story.

Summary : I am a true fan of the mummy and I have always wanted some questions answered. So I decided to write this story. This story starts from the very beginning before the mummy even takes place and it will end with the mummy returns. It takes place in Thebes "city of the living" It starts with Anck-Su-Namun's parents Lemonie and Tucktin and it gives you a little information on Anck-Su-Namun's up bringing and how it all started from the beginning.

Hopefully this story will answer any question's you may or may not have concerning the mummy. But I do hope you will enjoy the story and please feel free to give me you opinion, because inquiring minds long to know.

This is my first attempt at fan fiction I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 3

As the years grew so did Lemonie. She used to do all she could to please her husband, but now she no longer cared what he thought of her. Tucktin's feelings started to change as well. He no longer desired to have her; it even got to the point where they were sleeping in separate rooms. But Lemonie didn't care she had better things to think about then him, and he acted the same way towards her. Strangely, even though they were not husband and wife behind closed doors; to everyone else they looked like they where husband and wife. When Tucktin first started doing this she was so very sad, because how can you pretend to love a man you could care less about? Then one day as she was in the market place she got a strange feeling she was being followed. At first she wanted to see if there was anybody there, but then she remember that she was a market place and there were people every where. So it would be more the difficult to find the person who is following her; if any one is following her.

So she just ignored the feeling she was having and continued with her shopping. She waited for Loca to come back. Lemonie never really liked the market place so she always took Loca with her so she could get in and out as soon as possible. Loca knew the market very well and she could find anything very quickly and Lemonie liked that, but the one thing Lemonie did not like was the feeling she was having. It was strange because every time she came to the market she got this eerie feeling that she was being followed, and no matter what she did she could not shack the feeling. When Loca came back Lemonie smiled and asked, "Did you get everything?" She looked at Lemonie and smiled as said, "Yes, my lady." Then Lemonie said in relief, "Then let's get out of here, because every time I come here I get the strangest feeling." Loca wondered what she meant but she knew it really wasn't her concern so she just said, "Yes, my lady."

As they were walking the feeling she was having started to fade. Then out of the blue she heard a noise so with out even thinking about it she turned around, but she didn't see anyone and neither did Loca. But something told her that some was there. So she took a deep breath and said, "Who goes there? Show yourself I know your there!" After a few moments passed Loca put her hand on Lemonie's shoulder and said, "My Lady, there is no one there." When she got no response she closed her eyes and put her head down as she said, "Your right, Loca there is no one there." Then without any warning they heard a voice say, "Please forgive me, but I had to see you." The minuet Lemonie heard the voice she opened her eyes and when she did what she saw made her step back in total shock. It was her father. She did not know what to say but she knew she had to say something so she uttered, "Father…" Then suddenly all the pain and hurt he had caused her came rushing back like a huge wave and she was powerless to stop it.

Foncu had look of worry and joy on his face. He was happy to see his daughter but he was worried she would not be happy to see him, and as before she put her head down because she couldn't bring herself to look him in the face. Then she said, "So…you have been following me." He didn't say anything at first, but then he said, "I only wanted to see you." "That's no excuse and if you think I'm going to say hi, father I'm so glad to see you you're sadly mistaken. Because I have no father…" She said with anger in her voice, but then he cut her off by saying, "Pagma told me that you might still be angry but I had to see you." When she heard that she raised her head and asked, "Pagma told you? She's been telling you about me?" He no longer wanted to lie to his daughter so he said, "Yes, she has been telling me about you for a while." Lemonie filled with outrage and pain that he had caused that she was having a difficult time hold back to tears that wanted to come. She didn't want him to see her cry so in anger she said, "Here this…Father! And Hear this well! I don't ever want to see you again. Do you understand?" Before he was willing to let her walk away but this time was different he had to say something; even if she didn't want to hear it. He was her father he had to let her know how much he cared.

So he said, "Lemonie I understand how you feel…" She cut him by saying, "No! You don't" She put her hand over her mouth as her eyes filled up with water and the tears started to fall. Loca could see what was happening so she grab Lemonie's arm and said, "My Lady, are you alright?" Lemonie wanted to cry but she was determined not to let him get the best of her so she took her hand off her mouth and said, "Loca, I'm fine." Then she looked at her father as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Then she said, "You have don't have the slightest idea on how I feel. I don't want to see you ever again. The next time you come near I will have you thrown in jail you stupid drunk!" Then she walked away and Loca followed. Loca wanted to know who that man was but she assumed he was her father, and he had caused her great pain. Over what she did not know, but sometimes Lemonie would tell her something about her when she was in the mood. So maybe she would tell her what that was all about. When they got home Lemonie went in her bed room and stayed there for the rest of night. She wouldn't even see Anck-su-namun. No one knew what was wrong not even Tucktin, but he really didn't care not even a little bit.

She was filled with all kinds of feelings. She was angry at her father for seeking her out and she was angrier with Pagma for helping him. She didn't even ask her if she wanted him to know where and she was and the rest of it. Right then if Pagma had been there she would have no doubt said something's she really didn't mean. It was strange she expected to feel differently about her father and what he had done, but instead she felt as though he had just told her he had sold her today. Soon the pain of seeing him faded and the tears that were rolling down her face started to dry as they did before. Loca knew that man had must have done something so hurtful to Lemonie to make her not want to see anyone. She knew Lemonie would probably just send her away, but she had to try. When everyone had gone to bed she started to make her way to Lemonie's room. She was careful not to make any noise that would wake anyone, because she wasn't suppose to be doing this and if anyone found out they would probably throw her out on the street. When she got to her room looked behind her to make sure no one was coming then she knocked on the door twice.

As soon as she knocked she heard a voice say, "who is it?" It was Lemonie so she said, "It's me my lady, Loca." Lemonie looked at the door for a moment then she said, "I thought I said I did not wish to be called upon." Loca paused for a moment then she said, "Yes you did my lady, but…I don't know what that man did to you, but you shouldn't have to go through what ever you're going through alone. Sometimes it helps to talk." When Lemonie heard that she put her head down and said, "Come in if you wish." Loca didn't know what she was going to see when she walked in; she just knew she wanted to see Lemonie. When she opened the door and walked in she didn't see anyone, but then she heard a voice say, "I'm in the other room." She took a deep breath then she walked out of the bed room and into the sitting room. Lemonie called it that because she did nothing in there except sit and think. When Loca got to where she could see her she said, "My lady, if you don't mind me asking, who was that man?" Lemonie raised her head up a little then she turned towards Loca and said, "That man was my father and he sold me to Tucktin." The minuet she heard that she put her head down and said, "My lady, I'm so sorry."

Strangely Lemonie smiled and said, "Its ok Loca, I'm not sorry I was sold. If I hadn't been sold to him I would have never had my little girl." Then she got up and walked over to Loca and when she got to her she put her hands on her shoulders and said, "Loca, life gives you all sorts of things, it gives you good things as well as bad things. The only problem is that you can't choose which things you want. Now, it's late and tomorrow is going to be a most exciting day." Loca didn't know what was going to happen tomorrow but the look on Lemonie's face made her think something exciting was going to happen. So she smiled and said, "Yes, my lady." Then she walked away from her and out the door. When she was gone Lemonie wiped the remaining tears from her face and said, "Yes, tomorrow is a very special day indeed." Then she walked out of the room and went to the bed. When she got to the bed she sat down and starred at the wall for few moments then she lay down and cried herself to sleep.

It was funny, because after all that has happened to her. Her father still had the power to make her cry. It was like the pain of him selling her never went away; it just waited in the darkness, waited for the right moment to come up again. When morning came she was awakened by Loca's voice saying, "Good morning my lady." When she saw her she wiped the sleep from her eyes and said as she yond, "Morning…tell me Loca have you seen Tucktin today?" Loca knew to speak of him to her was a good way to get on her bad side so she smiled and said, "No, my lady." Lemonie looked at her for a moment then she said, "Ok." Then she got out of bed and walked over to the window. She stood there for a moment listing to the people going about there day. Then she folded her hands and said, "Loca, I'm going to tell you something that I have not told anyone since…that day.

Anck-su-Namun…my daughter she's not like us; she's different. I was told of her birth before I even became with child. Pagma…a seer told me of her birth; she also told me that she would choose her own way. It wouldn't be chosen for her, she would choose it. I used to think all I had to is love her and be there for her and everything else would just work it self out, but now I know that's not enough. She has to be strong…not just in her heart or her mind, but in her body as well." Loca did not truly understand what she was saying so she asked, "What do you mean my lady?" When she heard that she turned around and unfolded her hands as she said, "Loca I want my daughter to learn how to fight. It is not forbidden for a woman to get learn the trade of combat…in fact the Pharaoh encourages it, but it is a thought that is not smiled upon." "But the Pharaoh encourages it." Loca said with a some what smile on her face. Then Lemonie walked over to her and said, "Loca you will learn that just because you have to do something doesn't mean you have to like it. See no one has to teach anyone anything if they don't want to unless the Pharaoh orders them to himself. The problem is finding the write person to teach her, and here lies another problem where can I find such a person?" "Are you asking me, my lady?" Loca said When Lemonie heard that she said, "No, I'm telling you to find out and do not let anyone who isn't trust worthy know what you are doing.

Now go." Loca looked at her for a moment then she turned towards the door and walked to and then out the door. When she was gone Lemonie closed her eyes and hope she was doing the write thing. As Loca was walking down the hall one thought came to her mind; how in the world was she going to find some one who would not mind teaching a girl how to fight? When she got to the end of the hall she wasn't looking where she was going and with out warning she bumped right into someone. When she looked to see who it was she ran into she was shocked to see that it was Tucktin and as quickly as she could she bowed down before him and said, "My Lord, please forgive me. I was not looking where I was going." Before she could say anything else he cut her off and said, "Do not trouble yourself with me….it was accident. Was it not?" she said, " Yes it was my lord." Tucktin was in a good mood but he had never taken his anger out of the servants and he wasn't about to start now. So he just said, "In the future look before you walk."

"Yes, my lord." She said with her head down and before she could say anything else he walked away and when she lifted her head he was gone. When she first ran into him her heart started beating faster then normal and when he left she blew really heard and closed her eyes. Then her heart started to slow down. It was weird to her because Tucktin and Lemonie started to separate so did the servants you severed them. Some of the servants were with Lemonie and some of them were with Tucktin, but finding out which was which, was the problem. When no one could be seen she went in to opposite direction Tucktin walked in. She didn't want to run into Tucktin again. She still didn't know how to find the person Lemonie wanted her to find, but then as she was walking by the kitchen it hit her. She didn't know who she could find for Lemonie but she did know someone who did know.

So without any words she ran through the kitchen and down the hall to the first room she saw on the left. When she got to the room she knocked on the door and as soon as she knocked she heard a voice ask, "Who is it?" The voice was a male voice and as soon she heard him she said, "It's me Dango Loca….I need to talk to you." "Go away it's too early to day is my day off. I do not wish to be disturb…no go away." He said in a stern voice. Loca knew she didn't have a huge window. She had to talk to him now before more of the servants got up. So she said, "Dango, open the door I need your help. The lady Lemonie has given me a task I can not do by myself." A moment went by then the door opened and she saw a tall man standing there. When he saw her he said, "What is the task she has appointed to you?" As soon as she heard that she knew he was going to help her if he could.

She took a deep breath and said, "The lady Lemonie wants me to find a combat teacher who won't mind teaching girls." "Girls you say?" He asked to conform what Loca had just said and she didn't not hesitate in saying, "Yes girl." She wants Anck-su-Namun to learn to fight." Dango stood there in silence for a moment then he said, "finding a fighter is easy finding one who doesn't mind teaching a girl is hard." A frown came to Loca's face as she said, "So you can't do it?" He looked at her and said, "I didn't say I couldn't do it…I said it would be hard to find one, but I can find one. I just need a little time." "how much time?" Loca said as a smiled started to come back to her face. Dango put his head down for a moment then he looked at her again as he said, "Give me to the end of the day. If I have not found one by then you will have your answer." "Ok, thank you." She said with a smile on her face. Then he stepped away from the door and closed it. Loca stood there for a moment then she said softly to herself, "This just might work." Then she walked away.

By this time Lemonie was dressed and ready to start her day. When she was about to put on this necklace she stopped and looked at it. It was small and round and it had the symbol of Ra on it. To most people the necklace was pretty and it meant that she was worshiped Ra but to her it meant something different and it was time for her to pass it on to someone very special. She stared at it for a moment then she looked at the girl behind her and said, "Where is Anck?" She called her Anck was short. When the girl heard her she said, "She is with Bayconna." Lemonie looked at her then she looked at the necklace. Then she said, "Ok, let's go." They both walked out the room and down the hallway. Lemonie was going to Anck's room it wasn't far. When she got to the room she heard her daughter's voice. She was playing with Bayconna. Lemonie stood at the door listening for a moment then she opened the door and walked in.

When Anck saw her she said, "Mother" and ran to Lemonie. When she got to her Lemonie picked her up and gave her a hug. Then she said, "How are you Anck?" Anck smiled and said, "I'm ok and you mother?" Lemonie paused for a moment then she said, "I'm not without hope and now that I have seen you I have more hope then ever before." She wanted to hold her daughter forever but she was going on 6 and she was getting heavier, and her weight was starting to get a little bit out of control. So she put her down then Anck said, "Mother I have something for you." "You do?" Lemonie said with a big small on her face. Anck walked over to the table that was in the middle of the floor and grabbed this piece of paper off the table. Then she ran back to her mother and gave it to her. Lemonie didn't really want to pick her up again so she got down on one knee and took it out of her hand as she said, "Is this for me?" Anck smiled and nodded her head. When Lemonie looked at it she saw that it was just a simple child's drawing. Noting much but she said all the same, "Thank you I love it." When Anck heard that she said, "Then I will make another one for you yesterday."

Lemonie laughed a little bit because she knew she was kidding but she said, "Then I will be expecting it tomorrow." And then she smiled and gave Anck another big hug. When she finally let go of her Anck looked at her mother and asked, "Are we doing anything special today?" Lemonie paused for a moment and then she said, "Yes we are…we are going to the temple of Osiris." As soon as she said that a frown came to Anck's face and then she said, "Mother do we have too?" Lemonie knew she didn't care for the temple but it was important. So she said, "yes you do and I don't care what you father says if you don't know your past you will never have a future. Now are you ready?" Anck rolled her eyes then she said, "No one can be truly ready for this kind of outing mother. It's just not possible." "I'll take that as a yes…now come on." Lemonie said as got up. As they where walking to the front door Anck was thinking of all things she would rather be doing then what they where going to do. Anck never really cared for the temples and part of this was because of Tucktin. Even though her mother told Tucktin to keep his distance he was Anck's father, and if she wanted to see him there was nothing she could do about it.

When they were at the front door she looked behind her to see if anyone was there and there was. It was Dellcu he Tucktin's friend and spy. Everything she did he would go back and tell him so she said, "I'm taking my daughter to the temple of Ra." He didn't say anything he just nodded his head then they walked out the door. Everyday the street was crowed with people going about their day and today was no exception. Lemonie hated walking on the streets this time of day but she had been putting off going to the temple for days. When she woke up today she knew she had to go today or she would never go. One of the things that filled her life with joy besides Anck was the high priest Nyarlathotep. He was so nice and he always asked her if she was dong well. He didn't have too he just did. Every now and then she catches herself wondering if he as other motives that lie behind his kindness, but then he smiles and she knows that he wishes her nothing but long life and happy thoughts. It's strange because every time she sees him she can't help but smile.

She liked Nyarlathotep a lot better then the last high priest; he wasn't very nice and he never really liked talking to people. Once Lemonie thought he only wanted the job of being the high priest because of the freedom that comes with it. The high priest is always in the Pharaohs favor; he can do almost anything and get away with it. As long as the Pharaoh didn't find out about it, but who had the gust's to accuse the pharaohs trusted adviser of any wrong? If there was anyone out there it was a short list…almost non-existent list. So it went until he made a mistake. He had the nerve to tell Ramses what he could not do, and no one tells Ramses what he can and can not do. So without warning he took his sword and killed the high priest. At this time Nyarlathotep was next in line for the job. As the man lay on the floor bleeding Ramses looked around the room then he took a deep breath and said as he pointed his sword at the once alive priest, "I do not need or want cowardly swine in my kingdom. Now take him away him I do not wish to see him or any one like him again."

Then the two Med-jai that were standing at the entrance to the room came and picked up his body then carried him out. When he was gone Ramesis looked at his sword then he looked at the people that were still in the room and said, "Now all of you get out; I wish to be alone. Everyone stood there for a second then they all started to walk out. When Nyarlathotep was about to walk out the Pharaoh said, "Nyarlathotep, wait." Nyarlathotep was stunned that he stopped dead in his tracks. Then he turned around and asked, "You know my name my lord?" Ramses looked at him for a moment then he said, "Yes, I know your name. Let me guess you thought you were non-existent to me uh?" Nyarlathotep looked around for a moment then he looked back at him and said, "Yes, my lord. It's just I'm not that important so I just thought." When Ramses heard that dropped the sword on the floor and said, "Nyarlathotep, how could I not notice you? You are next in line for high priest are you not?" "Yes I am my lord, but I don't think…" he said in a shameful tone of voice. Then Ramses cut him off and said, "What? Oh let me guess you don't think your ready to handle the position?" "No, that's not it all my lord. Denobo felt that I was not ready to handle this position, but I have always been ready for it.

I never knew why he didn't want to give me a chance to prove my self, but I have always assumed that it was for the best." When Ramses heard that he looked at the entrance doors then he frowned as he said, "Now that I have heard that I really want him dead. It's just too bad that I already killed him. Oh, well… Now Nyarlathotep listen to me you are clearly the best man for the job and besides I have been looking for a new high priest that will take pride in his job and not just use it to do things others can't. Do you know what I speak of?" he wanted to say no, but something told him that Ramses already knew so there was no point in lying. So he said, "Yes, my lord but it is not right of me to speak of them." Ramses looked at him for a second then he said, "Yes…I like you." Nyarlathotep wasn't expecting that so he said, "You do my lord?" "Yes…you're different then the rest of them. You know you place and you stick to it no matter what. There's one thing in this world I know and that is you have to know you place or everything starts going wrong.

Denobo did not know his place and you saw what happened to him." Ramses said with a frown on his face. Nyarlathotep didn't say anything he just nodded his head. Ramses saw that he smiled and said, "Since you know your place and I really like you I am giving you the position of high priest. You are my new high priest…do you except." He didn't know what to say, but he knew he couldn't say no without a really good reason so he said, "Yes, I do my lord. Thank you." Ramses looked at him one more time and said, "You may go." Nyarlathotep always was quick to do what the pharaoh said and this was no different. So he did not waste anytime in getting out of the room and the rest kind of fell into place. Now it has been a year since Lemonie first started coming to the temple. When they were almost to the temple she noticed that Anck was dragging her feet so she stopped and said, "Anck, you know every time we go to the temple you make ever attempt to keep us from getting there. So instead of arguing with you or dragging you there I want you to walk in front of me at all times until I say differently. Do you understand?" Anck looked at her mother as in to say what? But instead of saying it she just asked, "Mother why do you want me to walk in front of you?" Lemonie didn't waste anytime in answering her. She looked at her and said, "Because you are growing up and it is time for you to know the way to the temple just in case you get lost. Now walk."

She wanted to say something to her mother but something told her that it would be pointless so she just put her head down and started walking in front of her mother. When they got to the temple Anck noticed that her mother had stopped so she stopped walking and turned around and said, "Mother, is there anything wrong?" Lemonie stood there in the street looking at the temple for a few moments then she looked at Anck and said, "No I'm fine. Shall we go in?" Anck looked at her and said, "If we must." Then they walked up to the temple and went inside. As they were walking inside; Anck wondered if she would one day be spending time beyond time in the temple of Osris.

To be continued